circles of salt

For my final school assignment, I was to explore video with an option of many forms - I went with a music film clip.  I was so excited to finally live a little dream out in reality.  

So a little backstory, since I was little girl my dad's obsession with music was handed down to my sister and I.  But I distinctly remember a day when I was very young, he put a big pair of headphones on me and I believe was an Alan Parsons record playing and said "close your eyes and try to SEE the music".  No my was some tripped out hippie, far from it actually... just an untapped creative soul.  I never forgot and indeed for years I SAW music, and made sense why I became a dancer - to dance is to BE the visual of the music.  To this day my favorite time out is the once or twice week long commute to my Brooklyn client where I explore so old favorites to new inspirations on my headphones and get so lost in the visual places it takes me too. Escapism at its finest.

So here I am with a billion ideas already dreamt up and on the table, however the reality is the mind has an unlimited budget! I settled far a relatively recent piece of music by the talented Snow Ghosts (GO BUY THEIR MUSIC! - You'll thank me later) that fell into the 5min requirement and was something I could produce on a very limited budget.

  • a year of daydreaming
  • a week or so watching a bajilion youtubes on how to film with a dslr
  • a half day filming with 2 amazing people out on a freezing ass day in the woods among some ruins (+ bonus snow)
  • one entire day learning premier pro with a handful of manual instructions and youtubes while putting this together ... 
  • another day writing the follow up report 
  • on evening in the afterglow knowing you just completed your last major assignment. the LAST one.

FINALLY - i finished something in my life.  life goal achievement unlocked!

Jacqueline Shimmiezz
Mel Anya - assistant
D Webb Designs - stylist

Film ShootMonzeekiMusic, 2016, School